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“Color Cloud: Let's Pay Attention” by Jessica Poundstone
Wonder and awe: a mindful approach to wellbeing, XR, and storytelling
Profiling XR storytelling visionary Caitlin Krause of Stanford and MindWise
Why making art can help heal PTSD
Drawing strength from art in navigating trauma recovery and PTSD
Interview with artist Bunnie Reiss
Take a trip into her multidimensional worlds of inspiration
Find your creative flow with yoga
How I harness the fluidity of yoga for artistic expression
Use creativity to heal your inner child
A big part of healing is learning how to peel back and examine our layers. Creative and intentional explorations can help!
Super Mario 64 used rock-solid 3D to create a world of dreams and delight
It’s what the designers at Nintendo were able to communicate with that extra dimension that made the game such a breakthrough for me.
How animation stirs up awe
As the credits rolled after watching "Soul," the resonance of its message lingered, prompting a digital dive into the science behind the awe-stirring sensations.