Can you chip in to help keep this work going?

 If you would like to see us continue this work, and you have the means to extend support, you can make a tax-deductible donation below.

Illustration and animation by Noemi Fabra

Support us

Your donation supports community mental health, fair pay for our content creators, and shapes the larger conversation around media.  If you are moved by our work, will you consider making a monthly contribution? Both recurring and one-off donations will enable us to do more of this work. We deeply appreciate each and every contribution, no matter the amount. There is transformative power in media for all of us, but we can’t execute this endeavor on our own. We need your help.

Get in touch

Growing the reach of our organization is crucial to its success. Please find us on our socials and share our content with your community! Have questions or want to reach out? Drop us a line! Looking to work with us? See how to submit your inquiry below.

  • For artists that would like to be considered for editorial assignments, please email our creative director, Jennymarie Jemison, an intro and link to your portfolio. Also check out our artists highlight reel on Instagram for more information. Please note that due to the volume of submissions we are receiving, we unfortunately can’t respond to every message.

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